As part of a personal project, I have been photographing a friend (or couples) every day since January 1st of this year. I haven’t done much photographically in the past year so this is one way of re-honing my skills and doing a project that I have always thought about doing. However, in the past week, I decided to switch to photographing my educator friends and colleagues for the next week or two. It’s my own minute way of telling their stories regarding the sudden return to in-person instructions in Durham Public Schools (and other districts across the country). My fellow educator today is a colleague at my school. She and her husband also happen to be my neighbor as I coincidentally ran into her in the community sometime ago.
Q: What is your name?
Lavonne Carter
Q: What do you teach or do in the school system and what grade do you work with?
High School World History and American History II
Q: How are you feeling?
I feel like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders since the veto for SB-37 was sustained. However, I’m anxious to see how the School Board responds.
Q: How do you feel about the sudden return to school buildings?
I do not appreciate the school board reversing their decision. It caused a lot of stress and anxiety for the community. Now, that SB-37 did not get passed there’s a possibility that the district may change its mind again which will be unfair to the students and families that are excited about returning to school.
Q: How do you think it affects or impacts the students’ learning?
I don’t think it will have the positive impact that people are expecting because schools will not operate the way they did prior to Covid-19.
Q: As honestly as you can, do you think it’s time to return to the building? If not, when do you think will be a more appropriate time?
We should not return to the school on April 8th. We will be in the 4th quarter, and high school students would be lucky to receive 10 days of face-to-face instruction since final exams have to start in May.