First, I want to wish everyone reading this a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I pray that regardless of what you go through this new year, at the end of it, you will look back and count immeasurable blessings that you and your loved ones experienced during the year, 2015, by God’s grace. Wishing you and your peoples nothing but the best of the best of wishes this new year and beyond!!!
I also want to use the opportunity of a new year to thank everyone who supported me one way or another in my 1st full of year of business – those who asked how things were going, those who referred people to me, those who patronized me, those who inquired about my services, those who wished me the best, those who volunteered to assist me at my weddings and other gigs, those who let me stay in their houses and fed a brother while I was out of country/town, those who gave me their cars to drive to my gigs when I was out of country and many other people. THANK YOU VERY MUCH AND MAY LIMITLESS BLESSINGS BE YOURS AND YOUR LOVED ONES! I have a million miles to go in every aspect of my business and I am determined to do much better in every aspect this 2nd full year of business. I can’t wait to look back at the end of this year and look back at how the business and I met and exceeded forecasts/expectations in every aspect of the business. Thanks again for everything and I would say 1 of my random odd movie prayers from Godfather’s Luca Brasi character (May your 1st born be a masculine child) but many of you already have 1st borns and many of you don’t care if your 1st born is feminine or masculine, so I will just say, GOD (for those who do not believe, THE UNIVERSE) BLESS Y’ALL!! 🙂 Enjoy your year!