Lydia was introduced to me by one of the nicest friends I have, Dolapo. She is an amazing person and a very rare gem. Anyways, let me get back to Lydia & Olu. 🙂 Dolapo called or texted me to let me know that she mentioned me to Lydia and Lydia would be contacting me. Lydia and I got in touch and we met up at Panera Bread off 15/501 Durham Chapel Hill Rd in Durham. Back then, I had my product samples (Photo Prints, Guestbook, Wooden USB drive, etc) in a portfolio case and met with prospective clients at coffee shops. If I remember, she was there studying and preparing for Dental school at Panera Bread. We met and luckily, she loved what she saw and she decided to roll with me. 🙂
We set up their Engagement Session. It took some going back and forth on where we were going to have the session but we ended up selecting Eno River State Park & Franklin Street/UNC-Chapel Hill. Lydia was introduced to Olu by Olu’s elder brother and he set them up to meet at the Subway on Franklin Street, so I knew that we had to shoot there to incorporate that into their session as seen below. It was their 1st photo-shoot together but you couldn’t have guessed. Their love and affection were mad fluid! 🙂 We had lots of fun shooting and I definitely got to know them better – one of the reasons that I implore clients to have Pre-Wedding sessions. It was a long shoot and we must have shot for at least 4 hours going from one side of the world – Eno River State Park (my 1st time there)  – to the other side of the world – Franklin Street & Tarheel world of University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. 🙂 I loved every minute of it and they had to stop me as they told me we must have had enough photos. LOL. I never get tired of photographing people especially couples.
And big THANKS to Dolapo, my friend and their Wedding planner, and her siblings for assisting me!! Love Dolapo. She’s always willing to help! Hope you enjoy their beautiful & colorful photos.